O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

Marres Currents


12 December 2017 — 04 February 2018


The exhibition I Spy, I Spy a Little Lie at Marres House for Contemporary Culture in Maastricht, co-curated by Isabel Van Bos and Evelyn Simons, was the fifth iteration of the Marres Currents exhibition program. It delved into themes of information access and the valuation of knowledge. In response to political turmoil and the rise of "fake news," the exhibition featured works by artists Henry Andersen, Felix Breidenbach, Alejandro Cerón, Nicholas Hoffman, Aurélie d’Incau, Jesuus, Tim Löhde, José Montealegre, Ektor Ntourakos, Johanna Odersky, Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence, Nadia Perlov, Maria Gil Ulldemolins, and Remko Van der Auwera.

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