O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

Fruit Solutions


11 February — 26 March 2017


Fruit Solutions was an expanded presentation of the Low Hanging Fruit exhibition. The work was presented at Laura Mars Gallery in Berlin encompassing a reading room and office facility. This was the first O.J.A.I. exhibition to be activated by a series of performative inhabitations throughout including the famous O.J.A.I. office party bingo game and a concert by Dexia Defunct.

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