O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

Fruit Efficiency


26 July — 23 August 2017


Fruit Efficiency, the Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence's (O.J.A.I.) first exhibition in North America, was held at Ro2 Art in Dallas' Cedars neighborhood. Installed as a Temporary Regional Headquarters (TRH). the show explored the potential of the institutional format to produce highly specialised conditions for cultural assembly. The mission of the TRH was to serve as an operations centre for research into the semi-derelict pedestrian tunnel system close to the venue. The exhibition opened with an institutional audit presented as a spoken word and musique concrète performance.

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