European Conference of Institutional Ideators
26 — 27 October 2019

The European Conference for Institutional Ideators (ECII) took place on October 26 and 27, 2019, at the Galerie Grölle in Wuppertal. Initiated by The Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence (OJAI), the conference focused on self-institutionalisation as an artistic strategy. It featured lectures, performances, screenings, concerts, and field trips presented by artist-generated offices, departments, societies, agencies, headquarters, and ministries. Invited speakers were: Department of Ultimology, ENCORE, Gesellschaft zur Emanzipation des Samples G.E.S, Vanja Smiljanić- Minister of Cosmic People for the countries of Ex-Yugoslavia, Portugal and Former Portuguese Colonies, Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence, T.A.L.O.S., That Might Be Right, Self Luminous Society, Joseph Noonan-Ganley , Pádraic E. Moore, Julia Zinnbauer. Scenography by Parasite 2.0. Publication in collaboration with Zero-Desk. ECII website by Tea Palmelund.