O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

O.J.A.IOffice for Joint Administrative Intelligence

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

Berlin O.J.A.I. Nord PM, +1 hrs

Brussels O.J.A.I. Sud PM, +1 hrs

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

05 July 2025Driving Dreaming Drifting 01 June 2025Self-Institution/ Terminology Audit

Umbigo Magazine


20 July 2024


Umbigo Magazine hosted the first part of Double Minutes #13, curated by Siebert Mispelon and Francisco Correia. On its back cover and the following ten pages, Pia Louwerens and the Office for Joint Administrative Intelligence conceived a site-specific project, considering their shared interest in institutionalization from differing empirical and conceptual perspectives. Umbigo is a contemporary art magazine based in Portugal, printed in both Portuguese and English. The issue can be pruchased at https://umbigomagazine.com/en/.

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